When you hear the word termite, you think of trouble, especially if you are a homeowner. While termites are relatively harmless to humans, they love to feast on wood, which can cause significant structural damage to homes. Termites often operate under the radar, silently gnawing away at the wood in your home. However, there are sure signs that termites have infested a home. Knowing these signs can help you spot a termite infestation early to prevent further damage.
Buckling hardwood floors. If your hardwood becomes wavy, termites could be hard at work. Termites prefer to eat at the softer subfloor and munch away from the bottom, which can cause the surface of the floor to become uneven. Raised, bubbly areas on your hardwood flooring may also indicate that termites are beneath.
Bubbles or small holes in drywall. As termites make their way through the house, they often cause paint or wallpaper to bubble. Sometimes, termites chew through the drywall and create an exit hole. These holes are usually 1/8 of an inch or smaller in diameter.
Discarded wings. Termites are attracted to light and often try to fly towards a window or door. When they reach the light, they twist their wings off, which often results in a pile. Keep in mind that discarded wings don’t mean that the termites have left; they may simply be relocating within your house.
Mud tubes are one of the most apparent signs of a termite infestation. These brownish tubes, about the diameter of a pencil, run outside the house on the ground to connect the colony to a food source. Termites use these tunnels to protect themselves from the elements while they traverse back and forth.
Droppings. Termite droppings are called frass and resemble small pellets that can range from light to dark brown (depending on the type of wood the termites are eating). The droppings resemble sawdust or coffee grounds and are commonly found on the floor or on window sills.
Musty smell. If your home has a major termite infestation, you may notice a moldy, mildewy, or musty smell. The smell is most noticeable when termites are actively feeding or nesting.
Prevention is the best medicine when it comes to termites. Home Pro Pest Control offers all homeowners one free termite inspection each year. During the inspection, our pest professionals will check the entire home (even the attic and crawlspace) for signs of termite damage. Should signs of termites be found, Home Pro Pest will customize a treatment plan to rid your home of the pests and prevent them from coming back. To schedule your free termite inspection, call Home Pro Pest Control at (757) 499-1078 or contact us online.