Are you planning to purchase a new home in the future? Congrats! Buying a new home is a significant investment that you certainly don’t take lightly. It’s essential that you are fully aware of all issues before signing on the dotted line—including bug and critter infestations. Make sure that you don’t overlook pest problems during the home-buying process by following these tips:
Look for signs of pests. As you tour potential houses, you might be most interested in checking out the number of bedrooms, types of appliances, and storage space, but look for signs of pests in and around the house. Common pests found in homes include termites, rats, mice, silverfish, and cockroaches. Check for gnawed wood, blistering paint, traces of feces, nests, or discarded wings. These are all signs that pests may be present in the house. Feel free to ask about previous pest issues as well.
Assess the house’s maintenance. In addition to looking for signs of pests, you should also consider the house’s condition. Is the siding in good condition, and are cracks sealed around the foundation? A well-maintained house is less likely to have pest issues and can set your mind at ease.
Include a pest inspection as part of your conditions. If you suspect that pests may be present in the house or just want to be sure, include a pest inspection as a condition of your offer. With this inspection, you can have confidence that the home is pest-free. If issues are unearthed, you can make an informed decision about whether to continue with the buying process.
Take preventive measures. Once you purchase your new house, contact a local pest control company, like HomePro Pest Control, to keep it pest-free. HomePro Pest Control creates customized plans for each home to prevent issues from occurring in the future.
A yearly contract with a pest control company like Home Pro Pest Control is your best bet for keeping bugs and critters at bay in your new home. Contact us today to learn more about our offerings!